ISIC brand refresh
Voor ISIC, the International Student Identity Card deed ik een brand refresh, inclusief een nieuw logo, en twee video’s om de nieuwe stijl te presenteren aan kaarthouders (studenten) en de partners van ISIC. Of, in hun eigen woorden: a newly refreshed identity, featuring new card designs and a modernised logo. The brand refresh represents both the evolution of ISIC, as well as giving cardholders a clear, simple and professional sign of membership of belonging to a global community.
The brand refresh included two videos to introduce the new style to both consumers (the students) and customers (ISIC’s partners).
“Innovation is at the heart of the ISIC brand and our refreshed logo and card designs convey the continuing evolution and growth of ISIC while also increasing brand flexibility. As the digital and mobile landscapes evolve, the ISIC is now positioned to embrace new opportunities and areas of expansion more than ever before” (Matt East, Chairman of the ISIC Association Board.)
The ISIC Association is the non-profit organisation behind the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). The ISIC card is the only internationally accepted proof of bona fide student status.First established in 1953, the ISIC card is now issued to students in over 120 countries.